If you get convicted of a DUI and you have a CDL, your CDL will be disqualified for one year.
If you have administrative action against your license because of a DUI arrest, even though you are not convicted of a DUI, your CDL will be disqualified for one year. If this is your second DUI conviction or your second administrative action resulting from a DUI arrest, you will receive a lifetime disqualification of your CDL.
A person who has a CDL can get that license suspended even though the tickets they received were in their personal vehicle. A CDL holder cannot get 2 or more – what is called “commercial vehicle major moving violations” within a three-year time period. CDL Major moving violation include most criminal traffic offenses, unsafe lane changes and even speeding l5 mph speeding violations. If you receive one of these citations and you have a cdl call us today before risking a chance of having your cdl suspended.
Please feel free to call our office or visit our website for a specific list of these offenses.
Courts are less likely to allow amendments or allow attorneys to defer tickets issued to a cdl holder. Because of that is is most important to get a hold of us right away so we can keep your cdl driving record clean. If your cdl is suspended you will not be allowed to work during the suspension.
If your job is dependent on you maintaining your CDL, it is crucial that you take care of traffic tickets. Whether you pay them or you speak with an attorney, the quicker you figure it out, the better. Even if you’ve received an infraction while not driving the vehicle requiring you to have a CDL, your license could still be at risk.
To learn more about Tacoma, WA commercial driver licenses and how traffic tickets and DUIs affect yours, contact our local traffic attorney office.